Salam..rasa rindu kat blog yg satu ni..dan sememangnya kau saja lah yang menjadi teman setia aku sehingga hari ini. Tak kira masa aku happy ke, depress ke, susah dan senang hanya kau yang faham. Aku dah lama nak tulis benda ni cuma tak terluah dari hati sanubari ni.
When we take a step ahead, people might do their own rumours...upon us..some are pleasant and encouraging BUT some might even hurt ourself and make us down. This is what I feel in my opinion. And the best part is that, all the unpleasant things come from people we know long long ago, sad to say; family, relatives and close friends. Yeah, then I discovered that being different is really got the challenge and yet must be done all the way, all out full heartedly. That's why successful people are limited and few. People with the common way of thinking, common mindset, mentality is everywhere. And this appears to be something special when I learned The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost in Form 3. I still remember some lines of the poem.
Why, it was so hard for me to overcome and face my own blood and flesh when I am doing this? Always I decide for myself. But now, I feel like being a burden for them(my aunty) when I overslept or came here. Since that incident, my relationship with her has been affected..maybe this is only my own feeling..owh, me too quite affected in terms of emotion. Considering her as the best and supportive yet understanding aunt, I felt disappointed with her view about what I am doing. Terrible...luckily, my own parents still there supporting me even they also experience the hurt and loads that we share. I used to independent and I don't like being too dependant on my father because I am the eldest in family.
Come to me MY CHEQUES..COME!!!
I decided to live my dream, to do something that transform my life. Because I know that this is the BEST REAL LIFE LESSON AND LEARNING.